For Sale: Apartment on Voli Avenue Fully remodeled 3 rooms for sale

350,000,000 MNT total price

Location: Lion Bridge

Ulaanbaatar, 2.2 km from National Amusement Park and 1.9 km from International Intellectual Museum, in an area where skiing can be enjoyed. 

Багшийн хөгжлийн ордны ард, Voli apartment-д 3-өрөө


  • Total 79,67m2
  • Open floor plan with spacious living room & family-friendly architecture
  • 2 bedrooms could be renovated by 3 bedrooms 
  • Windows View: South (four seasons you feel comfortable through the sunlight)
  • One bathroom
  • 8th floor


  • In the city center district
  • Close to the best attractions surrounded restaurants and markets
  • Grand Lobby with a 24-hour security system
  • A Captivating balcony can view Blue Sky Tower and Bloomberg glass building 
  • Neighborhood is friendly 

 Closest landmarks:

Memorial Museum of Victims of Political Persecution                  0.7 km

Choijin Lama Temple Museum.                                                       0.8 km

Shangrila Mall and Other offices tower                                          


Property Particulars

Type: Apartment

Locality: Sukhbaatar

Address: sukhbaatra district Voli apartment,Ulaanbaatar





Running Costs

  • Maintenance: 0MNT on average
  • Electricity: 0MNT on average
  • Water: 0MNT on average
  • Internet: 0MNT on average

**The numbers shown above are based on average calculations and may not accurately reflect individual cases.