COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR SALE: Diplomatic Residence-95, 97m2 w 500m2 outdoor space/garden behind Bishrelt Hotel

350,000,000 MNT total price

Location: North of Bishrelt Hotel. Opposite of Yalaltiin Talbai (Liberty square), Tengis Movie Theatre and Government building #11


  • G/F - 1st floor
  • Can turn into coffee shop, store, etc.
  • Kitchen
  • 2 bedrooms
  • 1 bathroom
  • Total 97m2
  • Price: negotiable


  • Fantastic Location: Residential buildings and close to Yalaltiin Square /foot traffic/
  • Can buy as it is as a residential apartment or change it into commercial space
  • Big garden - space extension possibilities
  • 9-17th floors are Residential

If you have any questions please contact me at 9907 5797 or email me to

Эд хөрөнгийн тодорхой мэдээлэл

Type: Commercial space

Locality: Chingeltei

Address: L. Laagan's street,Ulaanbaatar




Урсгал зардал

  • СӨХ: төг дунджаар
  • Цахилгаан: төг дунджаар
  • Ус: төг дунджаар
  • Интернет: төг дунджаар

**Дээр дурдагдсан зардлууд нь зөвхөн дундаж бодолт дээр үндэслэгдсэн ба эдгээрээс их/бага байж болохыг анхаарна уу!

Bilegt Batchuluun

Bilegt Batchuluun

Real estate agent

+976 9475 5555
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